CLARIFICARE Nr.1 – Adresa SNS SA nr. 2175 / 15.04.2022 la Procedura de licitație deschisa cu publicare internationala a anuntului de participare achizitie servicii de intocmire studiu geotehnic – determinarea parametrilor fizico-mecanici si reologici in orizontul XIV al Minei Cantacuzino in vederea estimarii gradului de stabilitate a acestuia,la sucursala Salina Slanic Prahova
NOTICE OF PARTICIPATION in the open tender procedure with international publication for the notice to participate in the precurement of preparation service for geotechnical study-determination of the physical-mechanical and rheological parameters in the XIV horizon of the Cantacuzino Salt Mine in order to estimate its stability degree – at the Slanic Prahova Salt Mine branch
CLARIFICATIONS NO. 1 – Adress SNS SA no. 2212/18.04.2022 for the notice to participate in the precurement of preparation service for geotechnical study-determination of the physical-mechanical and rheological parameters in the XIV horizon of the Cantacuzino Salt Mine in order to estimate its stability degree – at the Slanic Prahova Salt Mine branch.